Drum Roll Please…
We just recently released our new athletics page, pretty exciting stuff! Potential students are welcome to check out the new site and use it as a way to apply for the school. Current students are also able to easily find coaches; as a matter of fact, the site has a handy directory of all the athletic staff. So students can find any one of our sports centered staff who are always available to answer any questions you might have.
The new site has all the good stuff: rosters, schedules, game reports and even videos of our hard-working student athletes in action. Game reports and rosters feature biographies of athletes individually so fans can find all the information available about a player right from the stands if they wanted to!
Don’t Forget To Follow Us Everywhere Else Too
If the all that up to date game info doesn’t quite scratch your sports itch; included in the site are links to our various sports social media profiles such as Facebook, Instagram, and more. Where even more player coverage can be found.