
Top Five Tips for Winternet Class Success

Cat laying by keyboardA furry friend can be the best form of Winternet support (until they demand you get off the computer).

The fall semester is over and the holiday season is in full swing, which means it’s just about time for Winternet classes! If you’ve signed up for one of these intersession classes, you’ll be taking an online course that covers all the information covered in a 15 week in-person or online course in about 3 weeks instead. Though that may sound overwhelming, it is manageable, and you can greatly benefit from taking one! Since we’ve already discussed what Winternet is and why you should take one of these classes, today we’ll jump right in to how to succeed at Winternet courses this break!

#1: Check Early, Check Often

Your email and course site on Blackboard, that is. Normally professors will post information about the course, including necessary textbooks, introductions, and sometimes even icebreakers and class content before the technical “start” of the class. At the absolute minimum, you should read the syllabus, have your textbook, and familiarize yourself with the course site before the start of class. Finding out this information as soon as possible will put you on the path to success, especially when working with such a small window of time to begin with. If you can’t find something or it doesn’t make sense….

#2: Don’t Be Afraid to Talk to Your Professor

Remember, your professor wants you to succeed as much as you do. Reach out to them via their email or online office hours with any questions you have, and be sure to let them know of any problems you’re having with the material or logistics of the course sooner rather than later.

#3: Have A Strict Daily Schedule

A common estimation for a winter session class is that students should set aside 30-40 hours per week to do all that needs to be done if they’re taking a 3-credit course. It’s not recommended that students try to work at full-time jobs while taking Winternet classes. For optimal results, log in daily to check and make sure there are no new assignments or readings.

#4: Maintain a Distraction-Free Environment

Ideally, you will have a consistent space to use each day for Winternet work. This could be your bedroom, a home office, or the local coffee shop, but it needs to be somewhere where you can focus and not be distracted during the time you’re working. Put your phone on silent, turn the TV off, close the door and put a “Keep Out” sign up… do whatever needs to be done so that you can work efficiently! Remember, it’s just three weeks!

#5: Complete ALL Assignments (On Time)

Since Winternet classes are short and online, your professor has even less to go on, which means every forum post, test, and paper counts even more toward your grade. One missed post or late quiz can be the difference between an excellent and mediocre final score. Keep an updated planner with ALL due dates, no matter how insignificant they may seem, so that you can maximize your time on projects and hand things in when they’re due.

Now Go Check Out Your Own Course Site!

By following these tips and working hard on your Winternet course for three weeks, you’ll likely pass with flying colors! Even though it’s a lot of work, the short time frame can be a blessing, especially if you’re not particularly interested in the subject matter. Have you developed any helpful tips and tricks for Winternet or online courses in general? Comment them below!

the authorSUNYUlster
Start here. Go far.

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