Campus LifeLearningStudent Tips

Study Tips for Finals: 10 Ways to Ace your Exams

student studying
  1. Avoid the Urge to Procrastinate
    This Natural tendency seems to define the college experience with some students even boasting about their ability to survive all-nighters. In reality, however, procrastination is not cause for celebration or even lighthearted joking. This harmful practice stresses students out and almost always leads to worse scores.
  2. Get Plenty of Sleep
    At first glance, sleep might not seem like the most important of the many study tips for finals. In reality, however, all that prep work will do little good if it’s not accompanied by plenty of rest. The need for sleep underscores the importance of avoiding procrastination.
  3. Create a Study-Oriented Space
    Environment matters. You might find it difficult to focus if your space is cluttered or chock full of distracting devices. If possible, set up a nook exclusively dedicated to studying. This area should include a desk, an ergonomic chair, quality lighting, and any materials you might require during your study session.
  4. Level Up Your Playlist
    The right music can make your study session more enjoyable and more effective. Several studies highlight the value of classical music in particular.
  5. Ditch Distracting Devices
    In today’s digital world, it’s tough to go even a few minutes without glancing at our smartphones. Unfortunately, this dependence can cause big problems when it’s time to buckle down and study. For best results, commit to turning your phone off for at least an hour and placing it in a space as far from your desk as possible.
  6. Experiment with a Variety of Study Tactics
    No one study method works equally well for everyone. Some people learn best from reading notes out loud, while others benefit from flashcards or highlighters. Experiment with several approaches until you find a strategy that best addresses your unique needs.
  7. Create Sample Test Questions
    This method provides a variety of benefits. First, it forces you to boil down weeks of learning into a few basic takeaways. Writing sample questions also allows you to think like an instructor. This thought process may benefit you when the actual exam arrives.
  8. Get Involved in a Study Group
    It’s never too late to start a study group. While these gatherings are most beneficial if they take place throughout the entire course of the semester, they can provide plenty of value in the last few days before finals.
  9. Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help
    Don’t hesitate to seek help from your instructors. Office hours exist for a reason, and yet far too many students are too intimidated to chat up those in the best position to help. SUNY Ulster also has tutoring in almost all subjects. Call 845-687-5039 or email to make an appointment.
  10. Keep the Big picture in Mind
    Final exams aren’t designed to torture stressed-out students. If you take exam prep seriously, you’ll come away with a richer understanding of key concepts, which in turn, will ensure that you retain the knowledge you’ve worked so hard to gain. As you move forward with upper-level courses, graduate school, or your eventual career, you’ll thank yourself for putting in the effort. 
Dina Pearlman
the authorDina Pearlman

1 Comment

  • These are helpful tips. Also, one of the best ways to study for your exams is to read the textbook and not just highlight it. If you highlight it, you will only know what’s important and not really understand it.

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