Iain Machell is one of many professors at SUNY Ulster that teaches and influences students with his artistic creativity and experience. SUNY Ulster is proud to have him on board! Machell was awarded the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and is currently a Professor of Studio Arts and formerly held the position of department chair of art, design, music, theatre, fashion, and communication and is now Co-ordinator of the Fine Art program.

This artist has been mentioned many times in various publications throughout his career; such as the New York Times, Saugerties Artists Tour, Chronogram, and more. One of his books can even be seen in the Museum of Modern Art/ Franklin Furnace/ Artist Book Collection. Most recently Machell was included as one of twelve skilled artists in a well known artist’s blog Vasari 21. Check out the fourth name on their “What is Drawing?” series part five, to see the shout out to this professor featuring his 2015 piece entitled “PEEL”, shown above.
Inspirations and Style
Machell creates what he calls “landscape interventions”
described as sculptures made of found materials like wood or stone that are removed from the natural environment. These things are altered in some way, often with text or signage from an unlikely source, and then replaced in the landscape. He also draws and paints other nature inspired creations in his home studio which could be said to represent the human impact on nature and vise versa. One site describes him as a Brit living in New York State’s Hudson Valley, who has been engaged in observing the battle between the human condition and the natural world for many years.
Not Again – 2006 Root Ball 31 – 2014 Sketch 17 – 2015 Sorry Not Sorry – 2005 Terra Interruptus 2 – 2012 Terra Interruptus 62 – 2013
Iain Machell’s drawings, book projects, paintings and sculptures have been shown in galleries and institutions throughout the United States and United Kingdom notably The Drawing Center, The Sculpture Center and the Center for Book Arts in New York City and a handmade book is in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art/Franklin Furnace/Artist Book Collection.
To find out more about this busy man or pick his brain, visit his website: iainmachell.com, his professor bio, or his open letter to all members of the arts community and Muroff-Kotler Art Gallery supporters. If you want to see him in action, watch a video of A Classroom Moment with Iain Machell – SUNY Ulster.