Campus LifeStudent Clubs

Nursing Club

Student and professor during nursing class

Here at SUNY Ulster, we have an active Nursing Club that’s always looking out for our health! These hardworking students do a great deal to help each other and the community, so we contacted them to learn a little more about what they do.

Previous Work: Last spring, the club teamed up with the LGBTQ Club to host a speaker on giving optimal health care to LGBTQ patients. They have worked with the College Health Services to run a health and wellness challenge. Some students may have seen their annual Angel Tree pop up in the Hardenbergh Breakfast Café, which helps provide a Christmas for struggling families in Ulster County. Every April, the club holds a cancer awareness campaign. In the past, they have raised funds for the American Cancer Society.

Plans for the Year: The club will be doing their annual cancer awareness campaign next month, during which they will hold an item and fund drive to help Ulster County Cancer Support. They are also hosting an all-day nursing symposium regarding career options for nurses on April 30th; this event is open to students and nurses from surrounding colleges and nursing facilities as well. The club hopes to take a trip to the Bodies Exhibit in New York City sometime this year.

See Them On Campus: Nursing Club makes an appearance at all campus events involving clubs and attends all SGO meetings. They also have a table during open houses.

As A Club Member: Members of the Nursing Club work hard and encourage each other to be the best nursing students they can be. Active members practice their nursing skills, seek to improve the health of the campus and community, and have the opportunity to become better leaders, all while being supported by their fellow nursing students.

Join In: Are you a nursing student or interested in becoming one? Attend a club meeting! Nursing Club meets on the first Monday of every month at 12:15, in HAS 101. You can also email club advisor Pam Pierce at for more information.


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